... : : mEmOrY iS tReAsUre Of aLL tHiNgs : : ...

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It's not how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build till the end.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hari ke tiga ( Rindunyer kat mak abah...)

Hari nie masuk hari ke tiga mak abah gi haji...erm nasib baik baju derunk der disangkut kat bilik leh la wat 'tangkal' kalau2 rindu kat derunk.. :p tadi mak ader tipon..huhuu dengar jer suara dia meleleh air mata..tapi bila mak kata sume ok jer sihat2..alhamdulillah..cuma mak kata ade sejuk cikit...biasa2 jer katanya..erm..xper la janji selamat..always think positif mak kata...insyallah..semoga derunk dikurniakan kudrat yang baik tuk jalani ibadah yang mulia nie dan dilindungi hendaknya..insyaallah..

So hari nie gi keje pon mcm xbest jer..byk keje yang menyesakkan kepala...banyak lak dokument yang nak diisi..huhuhu
Keje..keje gak tapi tangan nie dok menenyeh mouse nie kekiri kekanan so terjumpa la satu web tue yang menyata tang fakta dibawah nie..tak tau ler betol @ tak..sesajer jer test2..nak hilangkan bosan..


You are feminine, intuitive, responsive and sensual. You are drawn to the creative or occult subjects. You are empathetic to those who have problems, therefore you often get used. You are a great one for fantasizing and in fact acting out your desires. Your biggest problem is that you tend to pick the wrong mate, resulting in the need to have extra marital affairs in order to receive the affection necessary for your survival. You are also prone to tears and extremely good at using emotional blackmail.

When you get involved with the other eleven signs or another Fish different reactions occur.

PISCES & ARIES: You are far too sensitive for the aggressive Ram. You will be left behind to drown in your sorrows. An unfortunate match.

PISCES & TAURUS: This is not a bad connection, however the Bull can get upset with your impractical nature. You, on the other hand, may find that the Bull is too stubborn.

PISCES & GEMINI: Your emotional blackmail will usually hold a Gemini, however sorrow almost always prevails. A very destructive union for both parties involved.

PISCES & CANCER: You belong together. You are both sensitive, weepy and love to dwell in self-pity. This is a great match, certainly lasting, however someone negative and moody.

PISCES & LEO: You are doomed in this alliance. The Lion is too outgoing and you are far too sensitive. A hurtful relationship with little substance.

PISCES & VIRGO: This is your polar attraction. It can be extremely perverse in the bedroom, but difficult at a mental level. You are impractical and this will really try the Virgoans patience.

PISCES & LIBRA: You are both creatively inclined, however you are just not sophisticated enough for the Scales. Librans also have trouble putting up with your emotional whims.

PISCES & SCORPIO: This is a highly sexual union. You love to be possessed and cared for with the deep, warm affection that the Scorpion can provide. Truly a match made in heaven.

PISCES & SAGITTARIUS: This is not your best alliance as the Archer's non-committal nature will hurt your tender heart. Your daily melodramas will drive the Sagittarius away.

PISCES & CAPRICORN: This is not a bad combo in general however, you will probably run around on the Goat due to loneliness. You are also too wasteful for the Capricorn to deal with.

PISCES & AQUARIUS: This is not the best union. The Water-bearer is far too cool and detached for you. Your tears and tantrums will soon tire the Aquarius.

PISCES & PISCES: This is an emotional connection. Extremely good in the bedroom, but difficult out of the bedroom. You both crave attention and affection yet you want to do your own thing. Exhausting but exciting.

p/s : huhuhu..ish2..leh caye ke dak nie...ish2...tapi kalau der yang berminat meh la isi borang.. :p


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